【Art, Science, Passion, Dream】 iHuman Holds the 1th Summer Tea Talk in 2019

Publisher:系统管理员Publish Time:2019-07-01Views:7887

On June 28th, iHuman Student Leadership Board (iHSLB) invited heavyweight speaker Wenge Zhong, director of the Shanghai Qilu Ruige Inc. As a guest of the 1th Summer Tea Talk in 2019, Dr. Zhong gave a speech entitled “Art, Science, Passion, Dream” to iHuman institute of ShanghaiTech at the auditorium of Y building. The founding director - Raymond Stevens, executive director – Zhi-Jie Liu attended the event.


Dr. Zhong graduated from the California Institute of Technology with a degree in organic chemistry. He was the senior director of the drug development department of Amgen Inc. in Asia. He had led the development of new drugs for a variety of different targets, including kinases, phosphatases, ion channels, amino acid carriers, protein hydrolases and G-protein coupled receptors etc. Currently, he is the co-founder, chief technology officer and executive vice president of Shanghai Qilu Ruige Inc., responsible for developing new technology platforms and innovative drug development.



At noon, the students and teachers shared the delicious snacks together, interacted with Dr. Zhong in a cheerful atmosphere. After that, all the people went to the auditorium of Y building for the lecture.  


The Founding Director of iHuman Institute Raymond Stevens introduced Dr. Zhong's background and academic achievements. In his speech, Dr. Zhong happily shared his scientific aesthetics and visualization of success. He believed that the ultimate beauty of science is just like fine art. He encouraged the students to explore the beauty of the mother nature’s design during the adventure in science. Dr. Zhong also shared three key elements for starting a company. MIT, M is mission, I is idea, T is team. Finally, Dr. Zhong introduced the mission and strategy of Qilu Ruige Inc. He proposed that drug discovery is a mission pursued by both passion and discipline. This lecture ended with a fruitful discussion about the development of drugs.



iHuman Summer Tea Talk is a summer special event for the iHuman Institute, which aims to promote the interaction among various institutes. The theme of the Summer Tea Talk including but not limited to academic research. This year’s Summer Tea Talk also includes lecture about sports and psychological guidance. Besides, delicious snacks and drinking will be supplied for the attendees. And a activity to visit Zhangjiang pharmaceuticals will be held in July, we hope everyone can participate.