The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Core was established in 2016. The NMR Core at iHuman mainly focuses on life science and chemistry, especially on: the three-dimensional structure of biomacromolecules in solution; the relationship between structure, function and kinetics of biomacromolecules in solution; the interaction between biomacromolecules; and the interaction between biomacromolecules and small molecules. It includes two state-of-the-art Bruker NMR instruments:
1. The 800 MHz NMR is equipped with room temperature 5 mm and 1.7 mm 1H-13C-15N inverse probes with high resolution and S/N. This gives iHuman the ability to conduct NMR tests of proteins from one dimension to multi-dimension, non-uniform sampling, chemical structure identification and drug screening.
2. The 600 MHz NMR is equipped with a 5 mm 1H/19F-13C-15N inverse cryo-probe (optimized for 19F detection) and a 5 mm 1H-19F-13C-15N quadruple resonance room temperature probe. The S/N of cryo-probe is more than 7700 and 7300 for 1H and 19F, respectively. Except for the protein NMR and chemical tests which are similar to 800M, the 600 MHz NMR offers 19F detection especially on fluorine-labeled proteins and ligands. These can be used for detecting structural changes at specific sites of protein or protein-ligand interactions on the GPCR family. This technology has already been used successfully for iHuman’s Glp1, GCGR and CB1 projects.